Archived News


The Cabinet of Camden Council met on the evening of Wednesday 10 April to consider a report asking them to approve the designation of Kentish Town Neighbourhood Forum and its area under the Localism Act 2011.Ed Watson and Jennifer Walsh from Camden Council, had prepared a report for Cabinet proposing our designation.  Councillor Valerie Leach the Cabinet member for regeneration and growth then spoke supporting our application.  Councillor Phil Jones who sits on Cabinet, as well as being one of our local Councillors, also spoke in support and very nicely paid tribute to the hard work of local residents.

We are delighted to report that the Cabinet approved our application unanimously.

So it’s time to celebrate the hard work so many have put in so a big thank you for that.  It is quite an achievement but now the hard work begins with developing and writing the plan!
So a brief rest while we celebrate and draw breath.  Watch this space……